Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Rabies, Visas, The big clear out.....and...........

So I've had my normal rushed Monday and Tuesday working like a clown. Just finding some time at lunch and evenings to sort travel type things...


I'm (kind of) half way through having a great regime of Jabs (yuck). There are not many things I don't like but a scary nurse sticking needles in my arm is not one of my favorite things. From about 3 weeks ago to shortly before I leave I'm having 3 Rabies jabs (2 down 1 to go), 2 Hepatitis B, 1 Hep A, 1 Yellow fever jab, some others I can't remember what the names are! These are my 3 Rabies babies, two of which have been making there way around my body in the last week making me feel a little ill. They cost more than my digital camera! But...You can't put a price of health so they say....


So the only places I need to get visas sorted for before Leave the UK are Thailand and Australia. I've checked with the Thai consulate and there fine with me entering on a 2 month visa without any real evidence of onward travel, that's a relief otherwise would have had to juggle flights to fit in with stuff. The Aus visa is more tricky, Have decided to get a working visa so if funds are low before S America I can maybe earn a little money ermm... picking fruit or whatever, and could be a laugh I guess. Needs a little more research and maybe a trip to London to apply.

The Clear Out

Something I Hadn't mentioned here before was that I have moved house. 2 weeks ago, and it makes sense while I'm unpacking to get rid of a load of rubbish I've accumulated in the last few years. After a lot of thought I'm losing my college and University notes. I haven't really touched them since leaving Uni and can't see that I'm ever going to use them again so, say goodbye.
RIP University. Nice knowing you.


Squat Toilets. Yum. Read More!!! I Can't wait!


At 11:40 pm, Blogger Shishak said...

Amazing photos by the way. But your big top three photos click through to some HTML page - may want to repair that.

At 11:41 pm, Blogger Shishak said...

I mean the photo panel on the right of your page.


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