Saturday, September 02, 2006

My Third Bicep.....

So I haven't posted for a while. The Bank Holiday and a busy week working have meant haven't got on here in a while.
The news is other than buying stuff from list below this week, yesterday I had three jabs that made me feel horrible, administered by a HORRIBLE nurse (her name was beverley go figure) and left me very sleepy and ill. I realised that my bicep has doubled in size (good!) though I could hardly move my arm (bad!) This afternoon I could literally feel heat rising through my face, as I started to feel better. A very strange sensation. Tomorrow I'm at one of my best friends weddings (read civil Partnerships) which is exciting and should be fun. Photos to be posted here shortly. That's all really. And I think my Thai visa has been done as there's something at the post office waiting for my signature. All good. I've been feeling nervous this week re travel. That's normal I guess. I have excited 5 minutes and nervous 5 minutes normally. This week has been generally nervous, I guess mainly as I've been to busy to focus on it and make progress. At least I've still got some stuff sorted. Plus spent a few hours in the pub planning the Cali trip which is getting closer and closer. Mustn't grumble.


At 9:27 am, Blogger Shishak said...

Soz to hear about your jabs...


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