Happy Pancake Day!
Hello, Happy pancake day. I nearly missed it, if it wasn't for a throw away comment from my bro. And I was fully intending to have a pancake, but forgot! I could go and get one now. I'm not going to. I'm lazy, even if it is my 5th favourite national holiday, just behind Christmas, My Birthday, Bonfire night and my half birthday.

And I guess while we're on the topic of celebrations, Happy chinese new year too. I went to China town here in Bangkok to "celebrate" but after standing waiting in front of a stage for 3 hours with nothing happening, hungry tired etc, we gave up and decided to go and eat random fried squid and vegetables from astreet vendor before we died. The only other incident was that the nice large baloon I bought for my friend was "baned" from traveling on the metro, so got given away to an over joyed tuk-0tuk driver. Made his day bless him. The other cool event recently was I "traveled" to go and see one of my thai friends homes (and family that live in it) an hour outside bangkok. It was cool to be out of the city for a day, and the family were lovely, My friends brother has 3 kids and they were too cute. (Dont worry, I'm not feeling broody)

Other than that, the last two weeks slipped by with ease, too much ease really, without event. Today on the other hand I feel alive. I've always loved that expression, feeling alive, and to feel it is great. I'm not sure what snapped me back to enjoying time rather than just using it, in fact I do, and in the absense of anything else to talk about I may as well go for it huh?!
Firstly it was random email from a travel buddy, that said something simple, but inspiring, and it made a difference. I won't say what it was, If i do i may inadvertantly give you a "feeling alive" day, and we wouldn't want that would we.
Secondly, After (no jokes) 4 weeks of looking I found my favourite book here in bangkok: YesMan by Danny Wallace. I gave my first copy to my Dad shortly before I left, and where as I think he didn't enjoy it, I think it simply rocks. So I'm now the proud owner of a second copy. I'm NOT giving this one to Dad (sorry Dad) or to anyone esle for that matter. I started reading it again, and while I dont think I've ever read a book twice EVER, this one is worth it. If you want a feeling alive day, or even few days if you're a slow reader, go and buy it NOW.
Thirdly, I've finished watching the DVD set of "My name is Earl" which I love as much as Yesman. Again, if you've never seen any of them you life is not complete. Go get yourself a treat buy the set, take a sick day off work, and enjoy.
Firstly it was random email from a travel buddy, that said something simple, but inspiring, and it made a difference. I won't say what it was, If i do i may inadvertantly give you a "feeling alive" day, and we wouldn't want that would we.
Secondly, After (no jokes) 4 weeks of looking I found my favourite book here in bangkok: YesMan by Danny Wallace. I gave my first copy to my Dad shortly before I left, and where as I think he didn't enjoy it, I think it simply rocks. So I'm now the proud owner of a second copy. I'm NOT giving this one to Dad (sorry Dad) or to anyone esle for that matter. I started reading it again, and while I dont think I've ever read a book twice EVER, this one is worth it. If you want a feeling alive day, or even few days if you're a slow reader, go and buy it NOW.
Thirdly, I've finished watching the DVD set of "My name is Earl" which I love as much as Yesman. Again, if you've never seen any of them you life is not complete. Go get yourself a treat buy the set, take a sick day off work, and enjoy.
I wish there was a fourthly, but I can't think of one. Oh I guess listening to pumped up Hip Hop on my MP3 has helped too. and eating some brie. that helped. Well thats about all for now. Hope all's well whoever you are, wherever you are....
(There's an important day coming up at the end of the week, which I'm strangely excited about, and if you haven't posted the card yet firstly, it won't arrive on time, and secondly we're not friends anymore.)
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