Sunday, January 28, 2007

Day 77, Bangkok

So these posts are running a risk of getting a bit samey. That's because my life is samey currently. It's a good kind of samey so it's not a problem.

So yes, I've been in Bangkok this time for over two weeks. I'm still having fun, life is pretty straight forwards and runs along the lines of:

10-11.00 Get up, get out.
11.30 - 13.00 Starbucks coffee, with friends and the Newspaper
13.00 - 15.00 Lunch
15.00 - 17.00 Relax/Internet/Siesta
18.00/19.00 Dinner/Movie/Bar/Pool/Chilling.

Just for the record, there's a gang involved with these activities, I'm not a loner here: Trey the American, Mirco the Swiss, Richard the brit, Chelsea, Jinny, beer (really a name) the Thai's, and other clingers. They're a pretty smart bunch of people. Some are travelers, some work, though their "work" seems to allow for an unprecedented amount of time at starbucks! I guess I'm just part of the "Lady's that lunch" gang, only not so much a lady. The only other highlights to report are small fry really.

Seeing a Chinese Albino family at a sky train station.
Seeing an epic 3 hr Thai movie that was, erm, well. Not so good.
Eating lots of sushi.

I did get my hair cut again, The staff of three dedicated to me (A gay guy and 2 girls) decided I looked in need of a pick me up, and took it upon themselves to pay me every compliment possible. It was fun for 10 minutes. Then when it looked like I was going to drown in their collective saliva I started to become a little concerned.

Oh!! And the best thing. I went to a pretty nice bar. So nice in fact the toilet attendants give you a back massage while you use the urinal! I was a little shocked and then realised actually it's pretty hilarious. I struggled not to laugh out loud. (for the record, it was pretty good...but sshhh, don't tell anyone.)

So what am I doing here? Not here on this earth, that's a big question, but here, away from the UK? Well, the honest answer is I'm not too sure anymore. I'm a traveler right, well, I don't see me doing too much travel recently. In fact I'm half contemplating staying in Bangkok for a month. I want to see the world, but I also want to have fun and Bangkok is just that. Anyway, This week is decision time, one way or another. I'm struggling to decide on the next step. It's a tricky decision. I could really use a reality check so if anyone fancies coming and giving me a hard slap, or caning, or good old shake, please, feel free.


At 1:09 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi,only 10 months left so I should hi tail it out of there There's a whole lot more world to see!! Remember Australia beckons. Surfing etc !!


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