Sunday, November 26, 2006

Day 13

Today as you may guess is day 13 of the trip. That makes yesterday the 12th. And was travel day. left Hotel, got taxi and (late running) train to where I am today, Hua Hin. Just for the record. Day 11 was a pottering around day, sleeping lots etc.
So while I've not got much to report re what I've done I'll tell you a bit about Thailand. The best thing about Thailand is the unpredictability.


So I'll guess the best place to start is with the things that are slightly annoying, but are also the spice of the trip. This really isn't meant to be a moan, the below make life unpredictable and fun. It's more a list of observations.

Rule number one applies generally to restaurants. And it's you should never really expect to get what you ordered. For example. You ordered 3 meals, waiter repeats order perfectly and only two arrive, one has to be re-ordered. Or you ask for a beer and get the bill, or better still order 1 drink get 2! Or you order food:

Waitress: "you want spicy"
Us: "No thanks. NOT spicy"
Waitress: (with big smile) "AHH ok, not spicy"

20 minutes later a plate of possibly the hottest food I have EVER eaten turns up. I sweat and cry as the waitress stands there sniggering at me. Thanks. I'm certain they don't do it on purpose, it's caused by the language barrier, but this kind of thing seriously happens at every single meal. As a matter of fact we're still waiting for 2 cokes and a beer we ordered in Kwai though I've got the strangest feeling I should forget about them.

2. The Smile.

Thailand is rightly known as the land of smiles. They smile (mostly) all the time. It's lovely. It's kind. It also sometimes hides the fact the have absolutely no idea what you want.

Us to taxi "number 3 silom road please"
Driver (with big smile): "Ahh yes number 3 Silom road"
Us: Excellent no problems here.
The driver then drives the entire length of silom road and at the END of the road (a 20 minute drive) turns round beaming: Silom road! We knew we were on right road! But just thought maybe the driver would STOP at number 3 as requested. That he being a local, and us being lost tourists, might have some inside knowledge. As it was turned out to be the other end of the road. Taxi turns round and 30 minutes later we arrive. Taxi driver smiles we do our best to smile back.

One of my favorites was in the train station the other day. I had been feeling illish and needed a toilet. I went and found the ones in the train station, but they were hole in the floor and I didn't want to go there. So we find a very helpful train station member of staff.

Us: "Is there a western toilet here?"
Thai Girl: Toilet, yes yes" and waves a hand in the direction we've just been.
Us: Ah ok. but is there a western toilet, like sit down?
Thai Girl: Frowns and again waves a hand more weakly than before but in the same direction again.
Us: "Yes. but like a sit on toilet." (we vaguely attempt to draw the outline of a western toilet with our fingers and begin to realise this isn't going to plan)
Thai Girl: Begins to smile then Laughs out loud! "AHHH yes! A western toilet!! and smiles at us.
Us: (looking expectantly) smile back.
Thai Girl: Nods and Smiles.
Us: "This isn't going to work out is it." We say Thankyou and leave.

that's all for now. When I experience some more of the above I'll post them here.

Finally. I've found somewhere I don't like. It's Hua Hin. Where I am today. (it's 4 hrs train ride south of Bangkok.) Chatted to a university lecturer on the way down on all things Thai. anyway, Hua Hin is like the costa del sol: full of middle aged German etc tourists. I'm going to get out as soon as possible. At least I got to see the Portsmouth game live on TV here yesterday. Every cloud.....


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