Thursday, November 02, 2006

Adventures of Spiderman

Today I had an Idea. A good or maybe bad idea. It all started as many good things do in burger king. With my trip looming large the talk got on to quirky ways to travel. And I had the brilliant idea……. to go travelling as Spiderman. We’re not talking occasionally dressing up here. We’re talking living the life, taking a backpack with 5 or 6 costumes and being Spiderman around the world. Every day and every night. It’s perfect right?! I’m not going to do it obviously….but I’m not sure why not. The costumes weigh next to nothing, and take up no space in the pack and You’d be given the special VIP treatment everywhere you go (They don’t know its not really Spiderman) But then we had the BIG question. Is it safe? Would anyone really dare to rob Spiderman? To approach with intent to steal and not just have their photo taken? I don’t think they would. Firstly, you’re a superhero they’re going to be scared right? Secondly as far as I know a pick pocket’s job relies on a person having pockets to pick. Spiderman doesn’t. (Though I guess has no zipper either which should be listed as a negative). Anyway, they’d be so many people gathering round as Spiderman ambles through the temple a sneaky thief has no opportunity to try. All those people watching are like your own cctv service you take with you. OK. Hands up, armed robbery maybe a bit different. But then, we’re not stupid, Spiderman would stay away from dark alleys just like the rest of us do. You know what. I reckon there’s good money in it for a brave someone somewhere. Write a book about it. A documentary. Adventures of Spiderman. It’s got quiet a ring too. Anyway, if it happens. It was my idea right?


At 11:35 am, Blogger Shishak said...

1) Do it. Next year.

2) Your comic book knowledge is severely lacking. Spiderman WOULD deliberately go into dark alleys to defeat criminals.

3) I don't suggest you mimic Spiderman in regard to (2).


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