Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Another day another forum......

So no update for a while.
I've been busy with the hum drum of normal life. I've sat down tonight to read ANOTHER travel forum (www.gapyear.com) only this one is turning out to be better than the thorn tree (Lonely planet) Useful info re money belts, size of backpack (I'm thinking I'll buy one online later tonight) and how to reassure parents that everything is going to be OK (though feeling this is a long shot!).
The bottom line re packs is , Some people travel light (40 litrePack), and take virtually nothing with them. If my trip consisted of just SE Asia I may go the same route, but as some of south America could be potentially cold when I get there, a larger 65L pack seems more sensible, for fleeces or whatever. I've always said I don't travel light particularly well, though I'm going to have to, to some degree for this trip but if I take a small pack how am I going to bring home a stuffed llama for all my friends. Impossible. So a large pack is it.
Re Malaria, It looks like I'll go for Doxycyline. Firstly it cost 25p a day rather than the £2.50 for malarone I was recommended by a nurse (Killer!!). TheAmerican CDC Website seems to think this will be fine. So do I. The most useful Malaria tip seems to be avoid getting bitten! Needlesss to say I'll be taking that advice.

Did have a bit of a downer today. Nationwide won't give me the freewithdrawal's account I wanted, mainly because I'm good and haven't had credit cards for 5 years. That's kind of left me scratching head!There other options so going down investigating those routes as quickly as possible.

The California trip is 2 weeks away. The first 2 nights Hotels are booked. Very exciting re visiting six flags magic moutain Theme Park. Oh..... and visiting Hollywoodd San Fran, Vegas etc. Hoping to catch a baseball game in Anaheim too. and a slim chance we'll get to see San Fran 49ers (American Football) but tickets are looking a little steep... we'll just wait and see.
The new photos on Flickr are of Sunday afternoon working on routes etc, oh and trying to fire sunflower seeds from my nose over the neighbour's fence. Try it. It's fun.


At 3:45 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi, have read all uve put, sounds amazing! When do you go?


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