Friday, November 17, 2006

Just a short one.

OK so the last week has been mental. Too busy and too much sadness saying goodbye. and the news is, I'm gone. I have arrived. This blog is from from Thailand. Bangkok. It's good. I like it. It's hot. It's cheap. Went on river this morning in dodgy boat, eat some insects, saw some temples. Thai food unsuprising is brilliant. we had some amazing pork and Fried rice, and a big beer and it cost 3.20 pounds. Brilliant. Meet 7 cool dudes in the airport and we've all hung out together untill now. Tomorrow we all go our seperate ways, only i dont know which way to go. Beach or mountains, or most likely, mountains, Bridge over kwai and then to the beach. Hope you lot back at home are all well. Anyway must go, going to a thai boxing match tonight. DOnt know what to expect but should be good.


At 12:36 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well done mate, glad your off and running, will keep checking ya progress.


At 9:24 pm, Blogger Shishak said...

Yo boy!

Great to hear you've arrived safely and that things are going well.

How hot?

How dodgy boat?

Which insects?

More re temples?

Glad you like the food. I love Thai food (and yes I have had the authentic stuff from my Thai friends).

Will look forward to hearing about the mountains/beach. Also hope you like Bridge over the River Kwai - it's a classic and Alec Guinness is great in it.

Lots of love,
David and Kathy

At 9:25 pm, Blogger Shishak said...

Btw, when photos?

At 7:37 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've seen the film bridge over the river kwai but fancy you seeing the real thung!
Glad you've already met others on the same adventure as you.
Hope the insects were well cooked. Did you take the Andrews with you.
Lots of love Mum


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