Thursday, December 14, 2006

Day 31 - Kuala Lumpa

Thats right I've left Thailand behind temporarily. Will be going back soon but for now having a little taste of Malaysia. I really wasn't planning on coming here but saw it advertised and I have so there.

Day 28:

So I'm not going be boring and explain another whole bus journey again. But the basics were:

9am: Phi Phi - Hat Yai (South Thailand) 2 hrs on ferry + 4 hrs on mini bus (with 2, lovely, hilarious Germans for company).
Wait for 3 hrs
Hat Yai -Kuala Lumpa Including stops, customs etc 11hrs.

This time it was all as smooth as a babies bum. Now problems whats so ever. My faith in Bus travel restored. Arrived KL at 5 in the morning.

Day 29.

Got a hotel with the korean Guy I'd spent most of the journey with and got our heads down for 2 hours as didnt sleep brilliantly on the Bus. Then First things first The Petronas towers. These were at one time the tallest buildings in the world. They're pretty impressive. Pretty big and just uber cool.

Then went up a telecoms tower, Proudly advertised as: "The 4th tallest Telecoms tower in the world" (not the most startling of stats I didn't think) and got some great views over the city as a whole.

Then it was Back to the twin towers this time to go up them. It had started the traditional 3pm rain by the time I got there, so couldn't see loads but Still worth doing.
I spent the evening on a tour, Which was basically to feed some moneys and see fireflies.
Mr Korean had disappeared to Borneo by this time but met a girl called danii from Bradford on bus journey to the monkeys. Had a good old natter.
I dont think I've been on a more dangerous bus journey, the driver was lovely guy, and a complete loon of a driver. Seriously crazy.
Went to the monkeys. They were monkey like. Similar to the monkeys on Phi Phi only these ones didn't seem to attack people. And gentler too. I was feeding them green beans, and when i didnt let go easily the monkey gently tried to prise open my hand. Quite funny.

The Driver took us to a dodgy sea food restaurant for dinner (I don't like fish), I picked at a crab, a Shrimp and eat lots of rice with a suprisingly good cat fish sweet and sour. A bit strange but not too bad (AND I've lived to tell the tale).

Then off to see fireflies. This was really what I'd come to see but I had read that they didn't like wet weather too much, and it had rained for most of the afternoon.....I wasn't expecting too much.....BUT
It was amazing. A guy rows you up this deserted river and the bushes were glowing like christmas trees. We were joking that they WERE plugged in and it was big fake but he rows you close and you can see them flying around, flashing just like they've got little LED's taped to their back. I've seen nothing like it before. It was a little wierd, sitting with this (nice enough) random girl on a little rowing boat, for what would have been , a really romantic evening with the right person. But there we go.

This is the only photo I got: that dot on my hand is a real live fireflie. wow.

So after another charge for about 100 miles at about 100 miles an Hour we get back to KL. Danii was staying in a 5 star hotel (lucky!) so went back there for some food because by now I was starving after the fishy debacle, and who walks into the hotel???
ONLY THE (NOW) KING OF MALAYSIA!!!! Malaysia changes king every 5 years (shared between 10 Sultans or something) and the new king (I.e the one who took over at a ceremony today) was staying at that hotel. Security, police, lots of people, all march through on the red carpet.

Quite strange as I sat there watching in a scruffy t-shirt and combats. Then later one of his group (I have no idea who) was sitting at a table behind us having a cup of tea. I Behaved as best I could (that is no burping, farting or picking my nose and the like)..... So I eat my very first and quite possibly ONLY meal of this trip in a 5 star hotel. pretty cool.
The only other thing to report was, that sitting there after my meal, in the lobby of a very nice hotel was the first time a realised it's nearly Christmas. Before last night I'd heard no Christmas songs, saw no trees lights etc, seen no fake snow men, and this hotel provided all of the above. Sorry to say I didn't "feel" Christmassy. Just dawned on me that it's approaching fast and made me glad I'm avoiding the british madness of the whole thing.

Day 30.

So today hung around Chinatown here, bought some clothes and shoes because mine were DYING! had a wander. All in time to get in doors by the usual 3 pm DOWNPOUR! The rain here is manic, and even punctual. Pretty kind of it if you ask me.

So the Big Battle: City against City, Head to head: Bangkok Vs Kuala Lumpur

Bangkok. Bangkok easily in fact. I'm glad I came here but Bangkok is way more fun. It's more mad, There seems to be more to do, and where as I'm really looking forward to going back to Bagkok in a few days, I wouldnt be as excited to return here. It's got a hangover of britishness, people aren't as friendly as BKK, they dont smile as much, things are a little more predictable and thats just boring. So there we go. I'll reserve judgement on Malaysia as a whole untill I return to thailand but I've got a funny feeling I know who's going to win that one too......


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