Thursday, November 30, 2006

Day 16


I've broken the two week barrier! NICE. Anyway I'm worlds away from where I was on the last post. When I wrote the last post I was Bored. I can't emphasise enough that Hua Hin was horrible. I was so glad to get out. Anyway here's what's happened recently.

Day 14. Thank the Lord I escaped from Hua Hin. Booked an Air-con train to Chumphon (3 hrs further south) It turned up, only just though it was 1.30 late and only had fans that weren't working. WARM is the word. (it was 38 degrees in Chumphon the day before I travelled apparently.) The train also had a mesh over the windows so my plan of watch the scenery change were also shot. the whole thing made me laugh. (I'm yet to be seriously annoyed on this trip)

Thai Oven trainArrived at Chumphon and a very nice tout arranged my (very nice) hotel, free transfer there and transfer to the ferry I was catching and ferry ticket for an absured price. I was scepctical but it all worked out very well. Chumphon is a small thai place, not many travellers. I eat and sept.

Day 15.

Chumphon Sunrise

5.30am. Thats the time I had to get up to catrch my ferry. Considering my average wake up is currenty about 10 it was too early. Jumped In mini bus and ferry. eyes shut. MP3 on. More non chatty travellers. Hate them. 3 hrs later I arrive at Koh Tao Island, the ferry ride in is cool.

The view as you get close is loads of old wooden bungalow's over looking near enough deserted beaches. Get chatting to 2 dutch guys and a welshy at the arrival pier, we go to a hotel and its amazing. Through our stuff down. Go for a swim in the lovely warm sea. Then Hired snorkelling gear. Now I'm no great swimmer. all based on the fact that i nearly drowed to death as a teenager. I Was nervous. not for the first time on this trip. It took 10 minutes of bobbing around to get to grips with not drinking pints salt water. But then I got it (It's not as simple as you think!) We swam around for the best part of an hour seeing Amazing fish just inches away. I have no idea what they were but it was seriously impresive. No photos for obvious reasons, but wow. It's something I'll never forget. feeling good about not drowning only added to the high. I did get well and truely scracthed to pieces on the rocks but no pain no gain. Spent the evening playing some crazy dutch card game ( it was rubbish!) OH! AND Staring at OUR bay and the stars, which are twinkly here.

MY Bay.

Not a bad sunset.
It's called cow trading and it's a strange game........

Day 16. (Thats today) Today we've hired Kayaks, and went 1 mile round to the next bay to Shark island. Theres no nasty sharks here. Just Another place to Snorkel. Even more brilliant fish even closer. Shiny rainbow coloured fish. Big long ones. Little shoals of green ones. Crabs on the rocks. (you can tell I enjoyed it right?!). Again took a nice big chunk out of my toes slipping on rocks in flip flops. The rocks were like razor blades. I put a picture here but I dont think you need that kind of detail!!!
By the way: I love it here. Koh Tao is brilliant. we haven't really moved around the island. we dont need to. Our bungalow is near a shop. There is a restaurant and bar next to bungalow. The beach is stunning. It's warm but has sea breeze. We've been joined on our adventure today by Ethan the american who is nice. So tonight we'll do what best to do here: Sit on the beach. Stare at our bay. Look at the twinkly stars. even though really there's nothing to do here, I love it. I thought I'd be bored. I'm not. I love the simplicity. I'm thinking about scrapping plans to go to some of the more touristy islands near here. I think I'd only be disappointed and compare them toMY island which is here. I'm glad I got here now and not in 3 weeks. it goes mad at christmas apparently. So for now. It's mine (well and the dutch and welshy and amercian's) and thats the way it should stay.


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