Friday, August 25, 2006

A Shopping list of sorts

So I've decided I'm going to buy a couple of the below each week until I go. Some are essential, some aren't so essential but cool all the same. If there's anything you think I'm missing please let me know!!

I guess that's all I can think of for now. That with the things I need to arrange in the list posted earlier should keep me going for now.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Rabies, Visas, The big clear out.....and...........

So I've had my normal rushed Monday and Tuesday working like a clown. Just finding some time at lunch and evenings to sort travel type things...


I'm (kind of) half way through having a great regime of Jabs (yuck). There are not many things I don't like but a scary nurse sticking needles in my arm is not one of my favorite things. From about 3 weeks ago to shortly before I leave I'm having 3 Rabies jabs (2 down 1 to go), 2 Hepatitis B, 1 Hep A, 1 Yellow fever jab, some others I can't remember what the names are! These are my 3 Rabies babies, two of which have been making there way around my body in the last week making me feel a little ill. They cost more than my digital camera! But...You can't put a price of health so they say....


So the only places I need to get visas sorted for before Leave the UK are Thailand and Australia. I've checked with the Thai consulate and there fine with me entering on a 2 month visa without any real evidence of onward travel, that's a relief otherwise would have had to juggle flights to fit in with stuff. The Aus visa is more tricky, Have decided to get a working visa so if funds are low before S America I can maybe earn a little money ermm... picking fruit or whatever, and could be a laugh I guess. Needs a little more research and maybe a trip to London to apply.

The Clear Out

Something I Hadn't mentioned here before was that I have moved house. 2 weeks ago, and it makes sense while I'm unpacking to get rid of a load of rubbish I've accumulated in the last few years. After a lot of thought I'm losing my college and University notes. I haven't really touched them since leaving Uni and can't see that I'm ever going to use them again so, say goodbye.
RIP University. Nice knowing you.


Squat Toilets. Yum. Read More!!! I Can't wait!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Where am I Going?!!

2nd Post for the day. I Feel like I'm geting into this blog stuff. I was invited yeterday to go to the V festival today to see radiohead etc but knowing i've got loads to do I didn't go and had a productive day that was badly needed. I've now bought the digi Cam, nothing special but it will do, and applyed for credit cards etc etc.

Also here is the map of the intended trip, Flights to be finalised and Payed for in full on September 6th which is approaching way too fast.

(Red lines flights, Blue Overland)
But before all that while we're on the topic of maps.......


Before the Great Escape there's a road trip through California with my best mate Gary at the end of september!! Can't wait. And where will it take us? Well Somewhere roughly like the map below shows, though we may drop the Day in mexico seeing as we're optimistically planning to complete the whole trip in 2 1/2 weeks! Anyway, more about this as the time approaches.

Saturday, August 19, 2006


I thought I'd better put some explaination here of the name of my blog. It comes from a post on Lonely Planet's Thorn Tree Forum linked to here: Poptotheshop Basically poking fun at the whole travel forum thing. Firstly it made me laugh, and secondly I love the thought that travel, even to far away places can be as simple, or complicated of going to your local store. I'm not sure how realistic this is......I feel it cant be that easy... but this is something I'm going find out about shortly!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

In The beginning.........

So I guess all Blogs have to start and here is the start of Mine. This is the blog to record my upcoming trip hopefully as far around the world as possible. So the flight Deposit is Paid, I'm well into the process of having a nurse stab me with needles just about every week at the moment and with three months to go today decided is about time to get this Blog going. The following is a list to myself of things I need to sort ASAP. A Bit boring, but a list on here wont get lost, thrown away etc.

Real Priorities

  1. Sort Credit Cards
  2. Change Bank to Nationwide as don't charge of foreign withdrawals.
  3. Sort visas for Australia and Thailand, Move flight from Manila to Sydney to comply with visa regs (To complicated to bother to explain here)
Important Things to buy/sort out:
  1. Back Pack
  2. Digi Cam
  3. MP3 player (not essential but how can I cope without music?!)
  4. Check insurance with Agency is best.
  5. Decide on amount of malaria drugs to take (useful link) (Way too complicated)
Lots of other things to do, buy etc but they can wait, a while at least.


Travel Forums
Back Packs etc
Jabs Etc
More Jabs etc

Aus Working Visa
Thai Embassy

Anyway that's enough for now.