Thursday, November 30, 2006

Day 16


I've broken the two week barrier! NICE. Anyway I'm worlds away from where I was on the last post. When I wrote the last post I was Bored. I can't emphasise enough that Hua Hin was horrible. I was so glad to get out. Anyway here's what's happened recently.

Day 14. Thank the Lord I escaped from Hua Hin. Booked an Air-con train to Chumphon (3 hrs further south) It turned up, only just though it was 1.30 late and only had fans that weren't working. WARM is the word. (it was 38 degrees in Chumphon the day before I travelled apparently.) The train also had a mesh over the windows so my plan of watch the scenery change were also shot. the whole thing made me laugh. (I'm yet to be seriously annoyed on this trip)

Thai Oven trainArrived at Chumphon and a very nice tout arranged my (very nice) hotel, free transfer there and transfer to the ferry I was catching and ferry ticket for an absured price. I was scepctical but it all worked out very well. Chumphon is a small thai place, not many travellers. I eat and sept.

Day 15.

Chumphon Sunrise

5.30am. Thats the time I had to get up to catrch my ferry. Considering my average wake up is currenty about 10 it was too early. Jumped In mini bus and ferry. eyes shut. MP3 on. More non chatty travellers. Hate them. 3 hrs later I arrive at Koh Tao Island, the ferry ride in is cool.

The view as you get close is loads of old wooden bungalow's over looking near enough deserted beaches. Get chatting to 2 dutch guys and a welshy at the arrival pier, we go to a hotel and its amazing. Through our stuff down. Go for a swim in the lovely warm sea. Then Hired snorkelling gear. Now I'm no great swimmer. all based on the fact that i nearly drowed to death as a teenager. I Was nervous. not for the first time on this trip. It took 10 minutes of bobbing around to get to grips with not drinking pints salt water. But then I got it (It's not as simple as you think!) We swam around for the best part of an hour seeing Amazing fish just inches away. I have no idea what they were but it was seriously impresive. No photos for obvious reasons, but wow. It's something I'll never forget. feeling good about not drowning only added to the high. I did get well and truely scracthed to pieces on the rocks but no pain no gain. Spent the evening playing some crazy dutch card game ( it was rubbish!) OH! AND Staring at OUR bay and the stars, which are twinkly here.

MY Bay.

Not a bad sunset.
It's called cow trading and it's a strange game........

Day 16. (Thats today) Today we've hired Kayaks, and went 1 mile round to the next bay to Shark island. Theres no nasty sharks here. Just Another place to Snorkel. Even more brilliant fish even closer. Shiny rainbow coloured fish. Big long ones. Little shoals of green ones. Crabs on the rocks. (you can tell I enjoyed it right?!). Again took a nice big chunk out of my toes slipping on rocks in flip flops. The rocks were like razor blades. I put a picture here but I dont think you need that kind of detail!!!
By the way: I love it here. Koh Tao is brilliant. we haven't really moved around the island. we dont need to. Our bungalow is near a shop. There is a restaurant and bar next to bungalow. The beach is stunning. It's warm but has sea breeze. We've been joined on our adventure today by Ethan the american who is nice. So tonight we'll do what best to do here: Sit on the beach. Stare at our bay. Look at the twinkly stars. even though really there's nothing to do here, I love it. I thought I'd be bored. I'm not. I love the simplicity. I'm thinking about scrapping plans to go to some of the more touristy islands near here. I think I'd only be disappointed and compare them toMY island which is here. I'm glad I got here now and not in 3 weeks. it goes mad at christmas apparently. So for now. It's mine (well and the dutch and welshy and amercian's) and thats the way it should stay.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Day 13

Today as you may guess is day 13 of the trip. That makes yesterday the 12th. And was travel day. left Hotel, got taxi and (late running) train to where I am today, Hua Hin. Just for the record. Day 11 was a pottering around day, sleeping lots etc.
So while I've not got much to report re what I've done I'll tell you a bit about Thailand. The best thing about Thailand is the unpredictability.


So I'll guess the best place to start is with the things that are slightly annoying, but are also the spice of the trip. This really isn't meant to be a moan, the below make life unpredictable and fun. It's more a list of observations.

Rule number one applies generally to restaurants. And it's you should never really expect to get what you ordered. For example. You ordered 3 meals, waiter repeats order perfectly and only two arrive, one has to be re-ordered. Or you ask for a beer and get the bill, or better still order 1 drink get 2! Or you order food:

Waitress: "you want spicy"
Us: "No thanks. NOT spicy"
Waitress: (with big smile) "AHH ok, not spicy"

20 minutes later a plate of possibly the hottest food I have EVER eaten turns up. I sweat and cry as the waitress stands there sniggering at me. Thanks. I'm certain they don't do it on purpose, it's caused by the language barrier, but this kind of thing seriously happens at every single meal. As a matter of fact we're still waiting for 2 cokes and a beer we ordered in Kwai though I've got the strangest feeling I should forget about them.

2. The Smile.

Thailand is rightly known as the land of smiles. They smile (mostly) all the time. It's lovely. It's kind. It also sometimes hides the fact the have absolutely no idea what you want.

Us to taxi "number 3 silom road please"
Driver (with big smile): "Ahh yes number 3 Silom road"
Us: Excellent no problems here.
The driver then drives the entire length of silom road and at the END of the road (a 20 minute drive) turns round beaming: Silom road! We knew we were on right road! But just thought maybe the driver would STOP at number 3 as requested. That he being a local, and us being lost tourists, might have some inside knowledge. As it was turned out to be the other end of the road. Taxi turns round and 30 minutes later we arrive. Taxi driver smiles we do our best to smile back.

One of my favorites was in the train station the other day. I had been feeling illish and needed a toilet. I went and found the ones in the train station, but they were hole in the floor and I didn't want to go there. So we find a very helpful train station member of staff.

Us: "Is there a western toilet here?"
Thai Girl: Toilet, yes yes" and waves a hand in the direction we've just been.
Us: Ah ok. but is there a western toilet, like sit down?
Thai Girl: Frowns and again waves a hand more weakly than before but in the same direction again.
Us: "Yes. but like a sit on toilet." (we vaguely attempt to draw the outline of a western toilet with our fingers and begin to realise this isn't going to plan)
Thai Girl: Begins to smile then Laughs out loud! "AHHH yes! A western toilet!! and smiles at us.
Us: (looking expectantly) smile back.
Thai Girl: Nods and Smiles.
Us: "This isn't going to work out is it." We say Thankyou and leave.

that's all for now. When I experience some more of the above I'll post them here.

Finally. I've found somewhere I don't like. It's Hua Hin. Where I am today. (it's 4 hrs train ride south of Bangkok.) Chatted to a university lecturer on the way down on all things Thai. anyway, Hua Hin is like the costa del sol: full of middle aged German etc tourists. I'm going to get out as soon as possible. At least I got to see the Portsmouth game live on TV here yesterday. Every cloud.....

Friday, November 24, 2006

Day 10

Day 8. We hopped in our "tourist" minibus and headed back to BKK. pretty uninspiring but needed to be done. In the evening went by river taxi to see a temple decorated in broken pots (I kind of suffered temple overload, seen one.... The rest are similar. Then headed out to the Saxophone club. It's a jazz club and it was pretty smart. I somehow managed to get the smallest cocktail in the world, about 3 cm high but it made us all laugh (the waitress included).

Day 9.

Got up nice and early to go to a snake farm. I wanted to go here in BKK because it's run by the Red cross to make anti venom for the whole of Thailand. They get all the snakes out "milk" them of the venom and even show you that one of the handlers only has 3 finger (and a thumb) from where he was bit..... NICE! Then I Went to Siam Square, BKK's main shopping district and spent some time having a look, huge malls, full of fake stuff, and nice shops full of good stuff. Managed to get a charger cable for MP3 player MADE (exact length etc which I aked for) erm. boring but necessary) and then basically went to hotel and on the way bumped into both Jon (he'd been doing different stuff today) but also a Spanish friend we had met near Kwai called Alberto so spent the evening with them. Went to a cool bar. That was about it.

Day 10.

Me and Johanna decided to do some simple stuff today before moving tmrw. Spent 1hr with a taxi driver who didn't know what he was doing (I'm going to write a section about Thai annoyances soon....) then went back to some shops and home. I crashed for most of the afternoon. The heat and humidity here is unbelievable. I'm drinking so much and it doesn't seem to make any difference. Hopefully the south near the coast will offer a little respite!! Anyway. Everything is still good. Things will change tomorrow as Jon is off, Johanna goes to Cambodia, and I need to move on but not too sure where to! If I meet people like these guys, then they'll be no probs.... Anyway. There's a red curry with my name on it so I'm off!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Day 7

And on the 7th day he rested. Thats what I'm doing today. trying to catch up on emails, sleep etc. But to continue the blog:

Day 5.

We arranged to do a tour of some of the attractions around Kanchanaburi. First we went to an elephant camp and got to ride them. Pretty cool and not too dangerous. waded through a river with them and a little into the jungle! Then we were wisked to float down the river on a baboo raft. again nothing too stressful. Then we were picked up again by our mini bus and headed of to Erawan National park where there's a 7 tier waterfall you can swim in. It was brilliant. The walk to the 7th tier was about 2 km but in the boiling heat took ages, but it made jumping into the waterfall so relaxing to swim! the water was freezing but so nice. It's a shame the moment you get out again you start to sweat buckets again! THEN we got on a train ride which was alright. THEN we went to Kwai bridge again and finally went home.

Day 6.

Today the initial seven of us that were together at Bangkok airport became 2. Kelly and Anna headed south to the beaches, Me and Jon decided to spend a last couple of days here because there was more stuff to do. Us two and Johanna (A maltese girl we met yesterday) got a motorbike with side car taxi to go and see the amazing floating Nun of Kanchanaburi. It was Hillarious. this old bald nun comes out and swims in a small swimming pool for 5 minutes pulling different positions. Because we were there at an odd time the three of us were the only people there. That made sitting in silence so much more difficult. Johanna sniggered all the way, I sat, beaming at the nun with tears in my eyes but determined not to laugh, when we got back on our mototaxi We laughed and laughed and laughed. I Can't really do it justice here but seriously appealed to my love of the bizzare.

Then crawlled through some cavse to see some buddha statues. There were bats and things in the caves but it was cool.

In the afternoon went to the tiger temple where some monks look after some tigers. Not really alot to see but everyone gets a pic with the tigers. there's a rumor that they sedate stop....accidents...... which would be bad but we followed the crowd along and there you go.

Day 7. And today. I've done not alot. Went to the post office, it was shut. went to internet cafe this morning. got nothing I wanted to done. went to a museum this afternoon. it had the most random collection of rubbish I've ever seen. Just odd clocks panitings and a room dedicated to Miss Thailand Competition with all old clothes worn by them. again. just bizzare. Thats about all. Moving on again tomorrow so its good to feel rested and all that.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Day 4

Well 4 of us have escaped Bangkok, for the peace of Kanchanaburi. That's where the bridge over Kwai is. It's ok. You can walk across and theres holes in the bridge which would be easy to fall down.... Then got lost walking back to hotel and NO taxi's to help us but we muddled through and here I am.

So now I have more time here's the run down so far.

Day 1/2. Flying. Airports. Lots of unhappy miserable people going off on holiday. Going to spread there gloom across the planet. Lovely. Meet 7 randoms in the airport and we all got a minibus to our hotel (we were all at the same one). Really good group. 2 crazy scots, 3 south coasters and a Manchester lad.

We went to the hotel and then headed off out and had a few beers etc. A brilliant first night after the worry etc.

Day 3. Just a day of temples, budda's and that kind of thing. Messing around on a boat that was good. I eat what I believe was a cricket, though it was of the generic flyic insect type. Then a bit of shopping, Went to Thai boxing in the evening on a tuk-tuk that was AMAZING. Ok it was scary at first. but then just great fun. we cheered every car he over took and booed when he got over taken! Then on the way home we had two, racing through the centre of bangkok. I LOVED it!.

Day 4. Got woken up by someone knocking on my door because i over slept! We went for a wander. Organized a mini bus to get here, and apart from some Thai guy falling asleep with his head on my shoulder it was a very normal high speed blast for 2 hrs. I never got to say goodbye to the Scots, but if they read this then they we'll possibly forgive me! And now had my nice red Thai curry and coke and rice (cost 1.20) and now here trying to do this. We've lived at 100 mph so far this trip. I haven't had chance to catch my breath. I'm tempted to stay here a few day to catch up with myself but we'll see. Tmrw is a day of swimming in waterfalls, riding elephants and stuff like that. but first I've got to SLEEP and that's where I'm heading now......

Friday, November 17, 2006

Just a short one.

OK so the last week has been mental. Too busy and too much sadness saying goodbye. and the news is, I'm gone. I have arrived. This blog is from from Thailand. Bangkok. It's good. I like it. It's hot. It's cheap. Went on river this morning in dodgy boat, eat some insects, saw some temples. Thai food unsuprising is brilliant. we had some amazing pork and Fried rice, and a big beer and it cost 3.20 pounds. Brilliant. Meet 7 cool dudes in the airport and we've all hung out together untill now. Tomorrow we all go our seperate ways, only i dont know which way to go. Beach or mountains, or most likely, mountains, Bridge over kwai and then to the beach. Hope you lot back at home are all well. Anyway must go, going to a thai boxing match tonight. DOnt know what to expect but should be good.

Monday, November 06, 2006

The Leaving Party

It was meant to be a super hero themed fancy dressed party but the greedy halloweeners had swallowed up all the decent costumes so we just went for a drink and dance. We had a brilliant night. It made me realise like I hadn't before I was going to miss these guys.
It seems to me when your leaving a place, any barriers drop down and life somehow picks up. Work has been suprisingly good the last couple weeks, I've talked to lots of people there i've never talked to before. Likewise i've meet lots of new cool people literally just a few weeks before i go. It's almost like life is designed to make you regret your decision the minute you decide to leave a place. Well anyway I'M GOING WHATEVER! It's a wierd one. It happened before when I left Swansea to move back to sunny portsmouth.

No matter what you tell some people they want to dress up. these dudes are from resevoir dogs apparently.... err, and rob wanting to get into a picture.

Dougie (left) was determined to buy me champagne, er, so i didn't refuse.

Anyway. I had a great night out. I even got MC hammer "Can't touch this" dedicated to me at the club. How lucky am I huh?!
I'm Sorry to see the temporary back of some of these guys. But there we go. 8 days to go......

If I meet people While I'm away half as good as my friends here then I'll have done well......
And finally. other than flying to thailand.... I've now definately got a job teaching english in Siem Reap, Cambodia (charity work). I'm very happy with that. I applied a good few months ago so had my final interview last weekend and it' all sorted. See the link to SCC on the right of my blog. Another factor to add to my trip. Can't wait.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Adventures of Spiderman

Today I had an Idea. A good or maybe bad idea. It all started as many good things do in burger king. With my trip looming large the talk got on to quirky ways to travel. And I had the brilliant idea……. to go travelling as Spiderman. We’re not talking occasionally dressing up here. We’re talking living the life, taking a backpack with 5 or 6 costumes and being Spiderman around the world. Every day and every night. It’s perfect right?! I’m not going to do it obviously….but I’m not sure why not. The costumes weigh next to nothing, and take up no space in the pack and You’d be given the special VIP treatment everywhere you go (They don’t know its not really Spiderman) But then we had the BIG question. Is it safe? Would anyone really dare to rob Spiderman? To approach with intent to steal and not just have their photo taken? I don’t think they would. Firstly, you’re a superhero they’re going to be scared right? Secondly as far as I know a pick pocket’s job relies on a person having pockets to pick. Spiderman doesn’t. (Though I guess has no zipper either which should be listed as a negative). Anyway, they’d be so many people gathering round as Spiderman ambles through the temple a sneaky thief has no opportunity to try. All those people watching are like your own cctv service you take with you. OK. Hands up, armed robbery maybe a bit different. But then, we’re not stupid, Spiderman would stay away from dark alleys just like the rest of us do. You know what. I reckon there’s good money in it for a brave someone somewhere. Write a book about it. A documentary. Adventures of Spiderman. It’s got quiet a ring too. Anyway, if it happens. It was my idea right?